False popularity: how a propagandist from Homel has filled a channel with bots in 2 days, where he broadcasts hate speech and Russian military propaganda

False popularity: how a propagandist from Homel has filled a channel with bots in 2 days, where he broadcasts hate speech and Russian military propaganda

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Лжепопулярность: как гомельский пропагандист за 2 дня накачал канал ботами, где транслирует хэйтспич и военную пропаганду РФ

Лжепопулярность: как гомельский пропагандист за 2 дня накачал канал ботами, где транслирует хэйтспич и военную пропаганду РФ

Marfa Rabkova was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and 9 other political prisoners were sentenced to a total of 79 years. After the «trial» the relatives of political prisoners and EU diplomats were arrested

Marfa Rabkova was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and 9 other political prisoners were sentenced to a total of 79 years. After the «trial» the relatives of political prisoners and EU diplomats were arrested

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Марфу Рабкову приговорили к 15 годам заключения, ещё 9 политзаключённых – к 79 годам в сумме. После «суда» задержали родных политзаключённых и дипломатов из ЕС

Марфу Рабкову приговорили к 15 годам заключения, ещё 9 политзаключённых – к 79 годам в сумме. После «суда» задержали родных политзаключённых и дипломатов из ЕС

Propagandists buy bots to get proper reactions in Telegram channels of independent media and democratic forces

Propagandists buy bots to get proper reactions in Telegram channels of independent media and democratic forces

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There is no «monolithism» among propagandists, but rather constant fights, splitting money and looking for enemies in everyone and everything

There is no «monolithism» among propagandists, but rather constant fights, splitting money and looking for enemies in everyone and everything

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