«Do you consider yourself a patriot of Belarus?» The social research results of the Institute of Sociology of NAS, Belarus

Protests in Minsk
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На русском языке: «Считаете ли вы себя патриотом Беларуси?» Результаты опроса по соц. исследованию Института социологии НАН РБ
На беларускай мове: «Ці лічыце вы сябе патрыётам Беларусі?» Вынікі апытання сацыялагічнага даследавання Інстытута сацыялогіі НАН РБ

In April, 2021, the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences conducted a sociological study with questions about patriotism, participation in protests and attitude towards Russia. We decided to check the results of this study and conducted our online survey with questions from the official questionnaire.

A little about the results of the survey:

  • 93% of respondents answered that most of all they are concerned about the use of repressive measures against citizens;
  • 71% of respondents answered the question: «What does it mean for you to be a patriot of Belarus?» – Love for Belarusian culture and language, as well as activity for the country’s good;
  • The most significant holiday is Freedom Day;
  • 98% of respondents believe that Belarus should be an independent state;
  • 49% of respondents see the country in 5-10 years as a state that remains neutral with a focus on Europe.

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Detailed survey results are also available here

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