Belarusian Hajun: Military activity on the territory of Belarus on February 11-12

Illustrative photo / Ministry of Defense of Belarus
4 mins

Aviation activity

  • Aviation activity was recorded at Machulishchy airfield. Flights of helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces, arrival of 2 military transport aircraft Il-76 (to take cargo) from Russia, and arrival of a passenger aircraft Tu-154M (flew to Russia) were recorded.

Rail activity

No rail activity was recorded.

Movements by road

  • No large columns (10+ units) with military vehicles of the Russian Armed Forces were recorded. Single vehicles and small columns of the Russian Armed Forces were spotted in Minsk, Baranavichy and Mahiliou.
  • No large columns (10+ units) with military vehicles of the Belarusian Armed Forces were recorded. Single vehicles and small columns of the Belarusian Armed Forces were spotted in Minsk, Minsk district, and on the R95 highway.

Belarusian Hajun: Military activity on the territory of Belarus on February 11-12

Military activity on the territory of Belarus on February 11-12 / Belarusian Hajun

General conclusion

The conclusion on the situation made in the report for February 6 remains valid. We should mention that there were reports on Russian servicemen spotted in Baranavichy, Asipovichy and Vitsebsk during the weekend. Russian soldiers visited shopping centers, pharmacies and various stores (grocery, construction and household). In general, it is a common practice for Russian servicemen to leave the territory of field camps (especially on weekends).

Changes in the size of the group of the Russian Armed Forces in Belarus no data.

Online map of military activity in Belarus

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