Closed poll for the Kremlin: 2/3 of respondents are against unification with the Russian Federation

7 mins

На русском языке: Закрытый опрос для Кремля: 2/3 опрошенных против объединения с РФ
На беларускай мове: Закрытае апытанне для Крамля: 2/3 апытаных супраць аб’яднання з РФ

The Chernov Dossier project leaked the results of an online survey by VTsIOM (Russian Public Opinion Research Center) «Study of Public Sentiments in the Republic of Belarus», conducted in July 2021 among the residents of Belarus. The survey involved 1,000 respondents from cities with a population of 100 thousand people or more.

It is said that the data of this survey were intended for officials from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Closed poll for the Kremlin: 2/3 of respondents are against unification with the Russian Federation

Do you know the following politicians? / dossierchernov

We tell briefly the main conclusions from this survey, and in parentheses indicate the percentage of responses that scored a particular item.

Based on the published data, the most famous politicians are Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya (97%) and Alexander Lukashenka (98%). The most positive attitude of the respondents is to Maria Kalesnikava (50%), Viktar Babaryka (48%) and Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya (46%). And the worst respondents’ attitude is to: Natalia Kochanova (57%), Lukashenka (55%) and Vladimir Makei (50%).

Closed poll for the Kremlin: 2/3 of respondents are against unification with the Russian Federation

Among the support of potential actions of the authorities, the 1st place is occupied by decisive reforms in the economy, in support of which 76% of respondents spoke, the second place takes the emergence of new political parties in Belarus.

Speaking about potential actions that can cause censure by society, the most negative may be the unification of Belarus and Russia into a single state, which is supported by only 25% of respondents, and 66% were opposed. In addition, the data show that there is low support by society of actions aimed at strengthening economic and political support for the current authorities in Belarus from the Kremlin.

More than half of the survey participants believe that their financial situation has worsened over the year. Most of them are between the ages of 25 and 34.

Closed poll for the Kremlin: 2/3 of respondents are against unification with the Russian Federation

Closed poll for the Kremlin: 2/3 of respondents are against unification with the Russian Federation

Closed poll for the Kremlin: 2/3 of respondents are against unification with the Russian Federation

Judging by the leaked data, Belarusians treat German Chancellor Angela Merkel the best among world leaders, and the worst is Russian President Putin. When asked how you feel about countries and world organizations, 58% of respondents answered that they have a positive attitude to Ukraine, 54% to Russia and Poland. 53% have a positive attitude towards the EU and 23% have a positive attitude towards NATO. It should also be noted that when asked how you feel about the union state of Belarus and Russia, the opinions of the respondents were divided: 41% — positively, 45% — negatively.

In addition to mentioned above, VTsIOM invited respondents to answer the question of how you feel about some of the recent events in Belarus. Most of all, the respondents condemned the blocking of the TUT.BY portal and other independent media and the court sentence of Viktar Babaryka (the politician was sentenced to 14 years in prison). The largest percentage of positive responses (only 40%) was received by the news about the possible launch of direct flights to the Crimea.

Closed poll for the Kremlin: 2/3 of respondents are against unification with the Russian Federation

Closed poll for the Kremlin: 2/3 of respondents are against unification with the Russian Federation

Closed poll for the Kremlin: 2/3 of respondents are against unification with the Russian Federation

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