Graffiti, actions, minute of silence. Belarusians remember Raman Bandarenka, who died a year ago
4 mins

На русском языке: Граффити, акции, минута молчания. Беларусы вспоминают Романа Бондаренко, погибшего год назад
На беларускай мове: Графіці, акцыі, хвіліна маўчання. Беларусы згадваюць Рамана Бандарэнку, які загінуў год таму

On November 12, 2020, Raman Bandarenka, a man who came to the defense of his courtyard, died. The tragedy happened in November 2020. Several people in civilian and masks cut red and white ribbons from the fence on the «Square of Change», as the protest courtyard on Chervyakova Street is called. Raman Bandarenka went to the courtyard of his house and, judging by the video, asked them a question, after which unknown people beat him, dragged him into a van and took him to the police department. From the police department, Bandarenka was taken to the intensive care unit of the Emergency Hospital, where he died the next day.

The editors of edited a video with the chronology of Raman’s murder. For obvious reasons, it has violent scenes and age limit. To watch the video, you need to follow the link on Youtube.

Today, in different parts of the country, graffiti and writings on the walls appear in memory of Raman.

A nationwide minute of silence is announced in memory of Raman at 18:00.

Today, many Belarusians organize actions in memory of him.

Graffiti, actions, minute of silence. Belarusians remember Raman Bandarenka, who died a year ago

Graffiti, actions, minute of silence. Belarusians remember Raman Bandarenka, who died a year ago

Graffiti, actions, minute of silence. Belarusians remember Raman Bandarenka, who died a year ago

Four convicted for information about the death of Raman, not a single suspect in his murder

The Ministry of Internal Affairs  immediately called the people in masks «concerned citizens» and said that Bandarenka was in a state of alcoholic intoxication, but this turned out to be a lie. Katsiaryna Barysevich, the journalist of, was sentenced to 6 months in prison for publishing medical documents refuting this statement. Doctor Artyom Sarokin, who shared these documents, received 2 years of probation. Two more sentences of two years in prison were imposed to Belsat journalists Katsiaryna Andreeva and Daria Chultsova for streaming from The Square of Change after the death of Bandarenka.

A criminal case on the death of Raman Bandarenka was initiated only in February 2021. The progress of the investigation was not reported, and on September 16, 2021, the Prosecutor General’s Office suspended the case, citing the inability to establish the identity of the killers. However, the BYPOL initiative coped with this.

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