Great Britain imposed new trade sanctions against Russia and the regime in Belarus

2 mins

На русском языке: Великобритания ввела новые торговые санкции против РФ и режима в Беларуси
На беларускай мове: Вялікабрытанія ўвяла новыя гандлёвыя санкцыі супраць РФ і рэжыму ў Беларусі

Today, May 9, the UK announces a new package of sanctions against Russia and Belarus.

The UK government reports that the new sanctions will target 1.7 billion pounds ($2.08 billion) worth of trade.

At the same time, it is reported that chemicals, plastics, rubber and machinery will no longer be supplied to Russia and Belarus.

The new tariffs on imports will cover £1.4 billion worth of goods, including platinum and palladium, limiting Putin’s ability to fund his war effort.

UK government urges all importers that use Russian imports to use alternative sources.

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