Is Lukashenka taking grain out of Ukrainian occupied territories?
2 mins

На русском языке: Лукашенко вывозит зерно с оккупированных территорий Украины?

On July 2, speaking at the Palace of Independence in Minsk, Lukashenka said that the transit of the Ukrainian grain had allegedly started through Belarus: “Then I said: “All right, we’ll manage. Choke on these sanctions, as I said. Take poor people’s grain. Why do they bring it by a teaspoon? They do! We’ve already been prepaid by the railroad. They’re bringing it in. By a teaspoon,” Lukashenka said.

However, it was not specified which Ukrainian grain he was talking about. And today the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine has reported that Ukraine doesn’t transport any type of goods by any means of transport through Belarus (or to Belarus):

“Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s statement about the export of Ukrainian grain through the territory of Belarus is not true. The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine has no relations with the pro-Kremlin authorities of the satellite state and counts on a fair international trial regarding the participation of Belarus in the military aggression against Ukraine."

Thus, we can assume that Lukashenka let slip that he started supplying Ukrainian grain not from the territories controlled by Ukraine, but from the temporarily occupied territories. It’s possible that Lukashenka simply wants to use the stolen Ukrainian grain to meet the needs of Belarusian enterprises or to sell it to someone.

We also pay attention to the fact that he raised the question of grain at his meeting with Putin on June 25, when Lukashenka stated that neither Moscow nor Minsk has problems with supplies of grain and fertilizers to the world markets.

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