Polish journalists: a child from Kurdistan died at the border?

Agnieszka Sadowska / Agencja Wyborcza.pl
1 mins

На русском языке: Польские журналисты: на границе умер ребёнок из Курдистана?
На беларускай мове: Польскія журналісты: на мяжы памерла дзіця з Курдыстана?

The Polish investigative journalism portal OKO.press, citing its sources, reports that a 14-year-old child from Kurdistan died yesterday in a migrant camp at the Belarusian-Polish border. Hit is reported that he died of a cold. It is also known that Belarusian border guards took him to the hospital.

The State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus denied the information about the death of the child. According to the agency, the boy received mild hypothermia and didn’t need hospitalization.

Yesterday we posted a video of people in camouflage uniforms carrying a man on a stretcher, and ambulance staff walking in front of them. Whether it was a boy on a stretcher, about whom the journalists write, is unknown.

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