The “Lithuanian” Airbus aircraft now belongs to an Iranian sanctioned company and is flying actively

7 mins

На русском языке: «Литовский» аэйрбас теперь принадлежит иранской подсанкционной компании и активно летает

In March, we wrote about two Airbus A340 aircraft with reg. numbers C5-MIA and C5-MIC that flew from Lithuania to Iran. At that time, they were supposed to land in Asia, but the final destination “suddenly” changed.

Later it turned out that the plane flying under the number C5-MIC already received Iranian reg.number EP-MMH. Even then it became clear that this Airbus will be operated by the Iranian sanctioned Mahan Air airline.

The “Lithuanian” Airbus aircraft now belongs to an Iranian sanctioned company and is flying actively

Airbus A340 (C5-MIC) in Siauliai, 05.06.2023 / jetphotos

Now there’s 100% proof that the new owner of this plane is Iran. On June 10, 2024, Airbus A340 (former C5-MIC) received a new, final reg.number – EP-MMU. And on the same day, it started to fly under Mahan Air.

The “Lithuanian” Airbus aircraft now belongs to an Iranian sanctioned company and is flying actively

Airbus A340 with reg.number EP-MMU (former C5-MIC) in new paint at Pulkovo airport (St. Petersburg), 14.06.2024 / jetphotos

During the last 10 days, this plane has already made flights to Bangkok, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Dubai, Istanbul, etc. And its fresh photo has appeared, where the plane is already in the colors of the Iranian Mahan Air airline at St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo airport on June 14.

We recall that at the time of the flight of C5-MIA and C5-MIC planes from Siauliai to Iran, their owner was considered to be the leasing company Macka Invest Company «from Gambia». On February 29, 2024, they departed from Lithuania with a difference of only 12 minutes, at 14:08 and 14:22, and then after 17:00 UTC both aircraft «disappeared» over the territory of Iran: one – near Tehran, the other – near the city of Chabahar in the south of Iran.

The “Lithuanian” Airbus aircraft now belongs to an Iranian sanctioned company and is flying actively

C5-MIC with different reg.numbers in 2023 and 2024
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