The pilots of the helicopters that flew into Poland yesterday were met by security forces in Machulishchy
5 mins

На русском языке: Пилотов вертолётов, которые вчера залетели в Польшу, в Мачулищах встретили силовики
На беларускай мове: Пілотаў верталётаў, якія ўчора заляцелі ў Польшчу, у Мачулішчах сустрэлі сілавікі

According to our information, the Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters of the Belarusian Air Force that flew into Poland while patrolling the border yesterday were redeployed today from the military unit in Kamianyuki village to Machulishchy airfield. Two helicopters of the same type were sent to Kamianyuki village from Machulishchy instead, as Lukashenko is still staying at the Viskuli residence.

The Mi-8 (board number 86) and Mi-24 (board number 14) helicopters of the Belarusian Air Force arrived in Machulishchy at around 17:00 and 17:50. According to our information, the pilots of the helicopters that accidentally crossed the border with Poland yesterday were met by security forces in Machulishchy.

We recall that the Ministry of Defense of the Lukashenko regime denies the violation of Poland’s airspace by helicopters of the Belarusian Air Force and is mocking the situation in official statements. But in reality, these pilots are met by security forces at the airfield.

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