Valery Kavaleuski about the violent reaction of the Lukashenka regime to the activity of Tsikhanouskaya and the United Transition Cabinet

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya's Office
3 mins

На русском языке: Валерий Ковалевский о бурной реакции режима Лукашенко на деятельность Тихановской и Объединенного переходного кабинета
На беларускай мове: «Да рэжыму прыйшло разуменне, што яны страцілі манаполію на прадстаўленне Беларусі ў ААН»: Валерый Кавалеўскі аб бурнай рэакцыі рэжыму Лукашэнкі на дзейнасць Ціханаўскай і Аб’яднанага пераходнага кабінета

Today, Makei’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a decision to reduce the staff of the Estonian Embassy in Belarus to a minimum, accusing the Estonian leadership of «disrespect for the sovereignty» of Belarus.

Valery Kavaleuski, a representative of the United Transition Cabinet for foreign affairs, told Nasha Niva what he believes caused such a reaction from the regime.

Kavaleuski believes that the participation of Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Rensalu in events at the UN General Assembly in New York together with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya triggered Makei’s Foreign Ministry to start a conflict with the Estonian Foreign Ministry.

According to the representative of the United Transition Cabinet, the regime realized that now it is Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya who represents Belarusians on the international platform, while Lukashenka and his officials have lost the monopoly on representing Belarus at the UN.

«I can assure representatives of the Lukashenka regime and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that we will continue our work, that our presence at the UN will expand. Where we can reach out, where we can talk about the situation in Belarus, where we can get additional support for the Belarusian people in the struggle for our freedom and democracy in Belarus,» Valery Kavaleuski said.

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