The U.S. blacklisted 3 Iranian aircraft: at least one of them flew to Belarus
3 mins

На русском языке: США внесли в «черный список» три иранских самолёта: как минимум один из них летал в Беларусь
На беларускай мове: ЗША ўнеслі ў «чорны спіс» тры іранскія самалёты: як мінімум адзін з іх лётаў у Беларусь

The U.S. Department of Commerce tightens export control on 3 Boeing 747 cargo aircraft of the Iranian airlines Iran Air, Mahan Air and Fars Air Qeshm.

According to Reuters, the reason is violation of sanctions: Iranian cargo aircraft transported sanctioned goods, including electronics, to Russia, violating export restrictions. Now these aircraft are “blacklisted” for violations of the U.S. export control in addition to 183 more aircraft.

It’s notable that at least one of these aircraft was spotted in Minsk. On December 17, 2021, Boeing 747-200F of Fars Air Qeshm with the registration number EP-FAA, which was already under OFAC sanctions at that time, arrived at MSQ from Tehran.

As for another Iranian airline Mahan Air, in early July, negotiations on the launch of flights of this airline to Minsk were held at Minsk National airport. Among others, the negotiations were attended by the Director General of Mahan Air Hamid Arabnejad, his deputies and representatives of the airline’s office in Moscow.

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