Opinion. Belarusian Order on a non-civil war

5 mins

На русском языке: Мнение. «Белорусский порядок» о негражданской войне

The Telegram channel Belarusian Order published a post about the non-civil war. We quote their words unchanged.

I am sure many have noticed the qualitative transition that has occurred in the rhetoric of the regime over the past few days. Curse words on air, threats and total dehumanization of opponents resemble no longer the delusional state TV of the Soviet authoritarianism, but the Radio of a Thousand Hills in Rwanda before the start of the massacre.

Someone calls the ongoing processes a preparation for the Civil War, but this is not quite the correct term. In the Civil War, two parts of society, which are parity in composition and size, are fighting among themselves, divided either class or ideologically. In our case, this is not observed.

There is a radical minority that holds power through violence, temporarily enjoying the passive support of a part of the population in exchange for social benefits. If you change the order to any other that fulfills social obligations – and this category will continue to go about its business and will not even remember Lukashenka. There’s no idea and will never be, there are very few who are not indifferent, the mobilization potential of the conformal mass is low.

At the same time, there is a significant part of the population that this order of the day does not suit and they are ready to fight it, but are kept by the same violence. Remove this factor — an instant rise, and the regime quickly gets a rake on the forehead. This part of society is not going to capitulate, it goes to the collaboration in a limited way and only for the sake of survival. This similarly excludes any possibility of release and dialogue.

Thus, it is correct to call the events taking place not a sluggish Civil War, but a regime of internal occupation. After all, all the signs of the current regime are as follows:

  • lack of overwhelming political support;
  • reliance on violence;
  • temporality (narrow planning horizon, performing only current tasks to maintain control);
  • discrimination against the disloyal part of the population;
  • destruction of local subjectivity and substitution with their constructs.

There is no need to go for examples: «BESporyadki» base, dismissals for political reasons, forced emigration (it can be considered as a form of deportation, people leave not on their own free will). Recently, a direct ban on the profession for some civil servants and their replacement with retired security forces was announced:

As for people with different views or even hesitant, the President gave an instruction on this matter: "Your task: if there are any in these structures, immediately clean up before the New Year".

Even the terminology used – «bandits», «bandit underground», «terrorists» – exactly the same repeats the rhetoric of German administration against the partisans. This is reinforced by a hostile attitude towards Belarušchyna in any of its manifestations and equating it with Nazism.

«To defeat white-red-white terrorism, it is necessary to destroy its ideology, to break its backbone, to completely defeat its carriers. Just as it was done in 1944 with their ideological predecessors. The root of evil is precisely nationalism and white-red-white ideology. Therefore, no more compromises with them. Only a total clean-up».

And this is not written by a crazy Russian Nazi, but by quite a Belarusian state ideologue. So I wouldn’t be surprised if, as part of the «fight against Nazism», there will be a proposal to make the study of the Belarusian language optional. History books are also being rewritten well under way. Soon there will be less national in a formally independent republic than in any subject of the Russian Federation.

It’s not difficult to predict what will happen next. The regime of internal occupation will do everything possible to destroy the core of the Belarusian nation in the next few years. And the possibilities of struggle by political methods at this stage have been exhausted.

And caring Belarusians are faced with a difficult choice:

  • evacuation;
  • internal emigration (where the economy will not leave alone);
  • resistance.

Everyone will decide for him/herself, but you will have to make a choice. Just as Andrey Zeltser, Mikalai Autukhovich, Ihar Olinevich and tens of thousands of other Belarusians who faced lawlessness and injustice did it. This whole story began with a struggle for the right to choose. It will end with it.

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