Another provocation in Vilnius was not without spelling mistakes

4 mins

На русском языке: Очередная провокация в Вильнюсе не обошлась без орфографических ошибок
На беларускай мове: Чарговая правакацыя ў Вільні не абышлася без арфаграфічных памылак

Last night, unknown people attacked the «Kropka» souvenir store of former Belarusian political prisoner Dzmitry Furmanau. They broke windows and doors and left an insulting inscription in Lithuanian: «Go back home, Belarusian pigs.»

But the perpetrators of this provocation are probably not Lithuanians at all. According to those who know Lithuanian, the inscription contains a number of spelling mistakes. Thus, the word grįŽkite was transformed into griŠkite (who is Grisha?), and the word baltarusijos had an extra “¡” in it.

Moreover, as Dzmitry told Nasha Niva, the police have a video of the incident and it shows a man taking a photo of the inscription.

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