На русском языке:
У митрополита БПЦ Вениамина выявили COVID-19?
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У мітрапаліта БПЦ Веніяміна выявілі COVID-19?
The telegram channel «Posmotri, Brekhnya?» published unconfirmed information that the head of the Belarusian Orthodox Church was infected with COVID-19. The sources of Motolko.help confirm this and draw attention to the fact that BOC Metropolitan Veniamin stood next to Lukashenka at the presentation of the prize «For Spiritual Revival», when the latter said that he had COVID pneumonia.
The telegram channel «Christian Vision» also confirms this information and reports that in addition to Veniamin, one of the most honored bishops of the BOC, 77-year-old Archbishop Stefan, was also diagnosed with the coronavirus.
Metropolitan Filaret and Veniamin on Namesake Day, December 14, 2020 / сhurch.by
It is also worth remembering that earlier, Metropolitan Filaret died of COVID-19, who probably was infected at an event dedicated to the day of his namesake. What is striking is that in both cases, people did not use personal protective equipment at events with a large number of participants.