An airplane formerly belonging to company related to Aleksei Chulets is now being operated by Latvian company

10 mins

На русском языке: Самолет, ранее принадлежавший компании, связанной с Алексеем Чульцом, теперь находится под управлением латвийской компании
На беларускай мове: Самалёт, які раней належаў кампаніі, звязанай з Аляксеем Чульцом, зараз знаходзіцца пад кіраваннем латвійскай кампаніі

The Embraer Legacy 650 (former reg.number OE-ITA) changed its country of registration and management company. You can try to guess which one. Embraer flew to the Latvian capital on December 1 and a few days later its registration record disappeared from the Austrian aviation register.

An airplane formerly belonging to company related to Aleksei Chulets is now being operated by Latvian company

Austria's aviation register. OE-ITA is not available as of December 2023 /

A little more than two weeks later, a business jet with a new Latvian registration number OE-ITA → YL-ONR departed under the management of the Latvian company Union Aviation AS. Its route is from Riga via Geneva to Dubai.

An airplane formerly belonging to company related to Aleksei Chulets is now being operated by Latvian company

Embraer Legacy 650 with serial number 14501133 under the management of Union Aviation AS /

The plane didn’t change its flying habits after the change of registration and actively flies familiar routes.

An airplane formerly belonging to company related to Aleksei Chulets is now being operated by Latvian company

Embraer Legacy 650 with serial number 14501133 under the management of Avcon Jet /

At the same time, shortly after our article was published, information about further flights of the YL-ATE plane was hidden from public tracking services at the owner’s request. Only the first flight remained visible.

An airplane formerly belonging to company related to Aleksei Chulets is now being operated by Latvian company

History of registration number change of the Embraer Legacy 650 with serial number 14501133 /

We suspect that Embraer YL-ONR will suffer the same fate.

Earlier, these planes were used in turn by Mikalai Varabei, Aleksei Chulets, and even Ukrainian businessman Taras Kozak and his family (his family often flew to Ukraine without him when Kozak, being a friend of Viktor Medvedchuk, was already under investigation).

This article was edited to remedy inaccuracies concerning Union Aviation AS and alleged connections with any of the mentioned individuals. After publication of the article, it became evident that Union Aviation AS is in no way or form connected with any of the individuals mentioned in this article.

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