Substitution of concepts in action: 100 Polish organizations appealed to Tusk with a demand to stop pushing migrants back at the Belarus-Poland border

Belarusian Investigative Center
4 mins

На русском языке: Подмена понятий в действии: 100 польских организаций обратились к Туску с требованием прекратить выталкивать мигрантов на беларусско-польской границе
На беларускай мове: Падмена паняццяў у дзеянні: 100 польскіх арганізацый звярнуліся да Туска з патрабаваннем спыніць выштурхоўваць мігрантаў на беларуска-польскай мяжы

Polish published an appeal to Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk,  signed by 101 Polish organizations and 550 people. The appeal demands to stop pushing back migrants crossing the Belarus-Poland border illegally. It says this practice has no humanitarian, moral or legal justification. 

Substitution of concepts in action: 100 Polish organizations appealed to Tusk with a demand to stop pushing migrants back at the Belarus-Poland border

The appeal says, «They face torture, violence, inhuman treatment and illegal imprisonment in the system on the Belarusian side. And there is no escape for them. Attempts to go back to Minsk are punished – most often with brutal violence.»

And this is a key point. The authors of the appeal, apparently, purposefully don’t write who faces torture, violence and imprisonment in Belarus. Is it migrants from the Middle East, who cross the border? No, Belarusians face torture and violence in Belarus, whom the authors of the text didn’t mention.

It’s quite convenient to use problems of some people in relation to others to strengthen the emotional effect on poorly informed readers. Exactly for the same reason, the authors of the text don’t say anything about the fact that the migration crisis on the Belarus-Poland border was provoked by the Kremlin and the Lukashenka regime. And for some reason, they don’t ask how these migrants ended up in Belarus in the first place. As it was said above, for more public pressure on Polish officials, the authors take the problems faced by Belarusians and use them in migrants’ issue – the instrument of the migration crisis on the borders with the EU.

And let’s recall how in November 2021, a column of migrants accompanied by Lukashenka’s enforcers headed for the Polish border – here’s the video.

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