The EU may ban the export of luxury cars to Belarus, as they are resold in Russia

4 mins

На русском языке: ЕС может запретить экспорт в Беларусь люксовых автомобилей, ведь они перепродаются в РФ
На беларускай мове: ЕС можа забараніць экспарт у Беларусь люксавых аўтамабіляў, бо яны перапрадаюцца ў РФ

Financial Times learned the draft of future EU sanctions against the regime in Belarus. It’s reported that the next EU sanctions will be aimed primarily at synchronization with the current sanctions against Russia.

Among other things, journalists report that the next package may establish a ban on imports of diamonds from Belarus and on exports to Belarus of:

  • Some dual-use goods and technologies (which can be used for military purposes);
  • Technologies for the production of liquefied natural gas;
  • Luxury cars.

The EU may ban the export of luxury cars to Belarus, as they are resold in Russia

We note that earlier the same planned restrictions were reported by Radio Svaboda. FT also reported that since 2022, the volume of exports of car parts and cars from the EU to Belarus has increased from $50 million to $268 million per month. The biggest growth is seen in the export of expensive cars (Rolls-Royce, Maybach, etc.). Further, according to the media, most of these cars get from Belarus to Russia, where the export of such cars is already banned.

In this context, one can recall the recent case of import of Tesla Cybertruck cars (cost starting from $57,000) to Belarus from the EU. They were purchased by the Moscow Tesla Club company founded by Aleksei Yeremchuk. The man was seen driving a Cybertruck in Minsk and then in Moscow. And he himself told on social networks that they resell them to Russia.

The EU may ban the export of luxury cars to Belarus, as they are resold in Russia

In a commentary to FT, the leader of Democratic forces of Belarus Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya stressed that sanctions imposed against Russia or against the regime in Belarus can’t work effectively if they are not synchronized. Tsikhanouskaya also noted that Europe still lacks a mechanism to enforce sanctions.

“Dictators use each other to circumvent sanctions and continue trading. The Belarusian regime buys military equipment, luxury cars… for Russia,” Tsikhanouskaya emphasized.

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