Belarusian Hajun about the possible landing of paratroopers in Volyn and Rivne oblasts
4 mins

На русском языке: «Беларускі Гаюн» – о возможной высадке десанта в Волынской и Ровенской областях
На беларускай мове: «Беларускі Гаюн» – пра магчымую высадку дэсанта ў Валынскай і Ровенскай абласцях

A number of Telegram channels are spreading information about the alleged landing of paratroopers from the territory of Belarus in Rivne and Volyn oblasts of Ukraine. This information does not correspond to reality.

Today, since 12:00 (Minsk time), a military transport IL-76 aircraft has been flying in the sky over Brest and Brest region. The Telegram channel of the Brest Regional Executive Committee warned about these flights in the morning.

According to the executive committee, the IL-76 aircraft will be used for the standard landing of soldiers of the 38th Air Assault Brigade of the Belarusian Armed Forces. The aircraft will take off from Brest airport and perform paratroopers’ landing at the Brestski training ground.

There is also a practical exercise of the aviation component of the regional group of troops of Belarus and Russia at the Ruzhanski training ground.

The situation is standard. No Russian/Belarusian military aggression against Ukraine from the territory of Belarus has been recorded. We continue to monitor the development of the situation.

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