«The answer to Lukashenka’s visa-free regime»: Latvia has tightened the rules on import of fuel and cigarettes from Belarus and Russia by individuals

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На русском языке: «Ответ на безвиз Лукашенко»: Латвия ужесточила правила ввоза физлицами бензина и сигарет из Беларуси и РФ
На беларускай мове: «Адказ на бязвіз Лукашэнку»: Латвія ўзмацніла жорсткасць правіл увозу фізічнымі асобамі бензіну і цыгарэт з Беларусі і РФ

The decision was made by the Latvian Seimas on excisable goods (cigarettes, alcohol, fuel), which individuals may bring for personal use from Belarus and Russia. Earlier a person could bring them once a week without paying tax, but now – once in 30 days.

«The changes were introduced in order to discourage Latvian citizens from traveling to Russia and Belarus to buy some excisable goods, given the geopolitical situation,» the explanation to the bill says.

This measure may be considered as a response to Lukashenka’s “visa-free regime,” which was introduced for residents of Lithuania and Latvia in spring, and later for residents of Poland.

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