Tsikhanouskaya and BYPOL sent a letter to Interpol

4 mins

На русском языке: Тихановская и BYPOL написали письмо в Interpol
На беларускай мове: Ціханоўская і BYPOL напісалі ліст у Interpol

The office of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya and BYPOL sent an official letter to Interpol demanding to exclude the access of official Minsk to the database of international criminals, which is used for the purpose of political persecution.

It is reported that in the letter sent, BYPOL and Cyber Partisans provide evidence of how the regime in Belarus requests information about Belarusians in other countries, including their phone numbers, places of residence, property, etc. Therefore, the democratic forces of Belarus insist on the need to stop Interpol’s cooperation with the regime.

On October 11, 2021, BYPOL published an analysis of telephone conversations of officials, from which it followed that the official Minsk uses the channels of the international police not to counter crime, but for repression against Belarusian activists forced to leave their homeland, fleeing from political persecution. Moreover, the Belarusian security forces tried to include Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya and other leaders of democratic forces in the search lists of Interpol. But the request was rejected, and Interpol even issued a warning to the regime in Belarus for political persecution of opponents.

«However, the regime is still trying to contact Interpol to obtain information about Belarusians and their extradition from the territory of other countries. So activist Makarii Malakhovsky, director of the Grodno hospice Olga Velichko and other Belarusians got to the lists of Interpol. These people were on the lists only because of persecution for political reasons»,– Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s Office reports.

In the letter, Interpol is also proposed to organize a meeting of Interpol representatives with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya and representatives of BYPOL. In the future, communication with the Central National Bureaux of Interpol in other countries to limit cooperation with the regime within the framework of Interpol is planned.

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