Ukraine imposes sanctions against regime officials in Belarus and Russia who contributed to the aggression against Ukraine

Yehor Milohrodskyi /
3 mins

На русском языке: Украина вводит санкции против должностных лиц режима в Беларуси и РФ, которые способствовали агрессии против Украины
На беларускай мове: Украіна ўводзіць санкцыі супраць службовых асоб рэжыму ў Беларусі і РФ, якія спрыялі агрэсіі супраць Украіны

This is reported by the Ministry of Reintegration of temporarily occupied territories. It is known that 99 individuals and 178 legal entities from Belarus and Russia came under the sanctions.

«In particular, we are talking about companies of the military-industrial complex of Russia, officials of the national banks of Russia and Belarus. Other Russian and Belarusian companies and citizens of these countries are also subject to restrictions – those that contributed to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and with the help of which Russia tried to circumvent the sanctions imposed against it,» the statement of the Ministry says.

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