The opinion of the employee of the Ministry: «If only we could stand for a day and hold on for a night»

4 mins

На русском языке: Мнение сотрудника министерства: «Лишь бы день простоять и ночь продержаться»
На беларускай мове: Меркаванне супрацоўніка міністэрства: «Толькі б дзень прастаяць і ноч пратрымацца»

Yesterday Lukashenka met with appointees in the state security system. In a story on the TV channel Belarus 1 they decided to hide their faces from the audience. The situation caused an ambiguous reaction in society. Therefore, the telegram channel «MotolkoPomogi» asked its subscribers about the atmosphere which now prevails in state institutions and ministries. We publish one of the answers. For safety of the source, the editors of hid some data.

I have been working in the ministry for ***[number] years, as *** [job title]. Of course, it never differed in sincerity and cordiality. Especially if you don’t have Uncle Mitrofanov (from the film «Welcome…»: «Who will be given the first prize? / Mitrofanova, she has an uncle»). But in the last year, the situation has become very tense, has become unbearable. People say hello to each other through their teeth. Why?

  1. Decisions are made at the level of the highest managers, and middle managers may not be fully aware of these decisions. Therefore, there are punctures, a lot of information is hidden, and someone was not aware.
  2. Bosses, who used to be boorish in relations with subordinates, have now completely run wild, they look at the lower ones like at dirt.
  3. Either relatives or super loyal people are appointed to the posts of chiefs, but professionally worthless. That’s why there are punctures. There is a large salary gap between specialists and bosses (this was done to encourage «shepherds», since the leadership position has turned into a banal overseer), so employees greet each other through their teeth. There are incidental situations with controllability. For example, in the department [there is] a chief, his deputy and one specialist. Or worse: the head of the department, the deputy head of the department, the head of the service, the deputy head of the service and the specialist. I’ve worked with [direction] and [direction] and I wouldn’t have done that before, but now it’s all over the place. Like in a fable about two generals and a soldier.
  4. [Describes how employees are gathered for mass events. Sometimes manipulated as follows: those who were not at the event may have difficulties in the workplace].
  5. At the level of the Ministry, minimum of graduates were taken on distribution job previously, literally two or three, the rest went to the regional and district levels to gain experience. Last year – 5, this year – 7 people. We need to at least close the holes with someone. And the fact that there is no experience — it’s okay, they will do something that the boss will say, and okay.

If earlier in the work there was no feeling of insanity and stupidity, it was somewhere there, at the top, now it has all come to our level and spreads further. So, in order not to give some information, they were looking for an explanation. Now it’s either covid or there’s no explanation at all (well, you know). If only we could stand for a day and hold on for a night. The management ran around the offices, made sure that there were no white sheets on the windows.

In addition, I will say that the career ladder now may look like this: a participant [a mass event], a participant in some pro-government action, a signatory of a letter — we will find you a place as a boss. Professional abilities don’t matter.

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