На русском языке:
Google заблокировал YouTube-каналы «Президентского спортивного клуба» и «Агат — электромеханический завод»
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Google заблакаваў YouTube-каналы «Прэзідэнцкага спартыўнага клуба» і «Агат — электрамеханічны завод»
Instead of logos of the official YouTube channels of the Presidential Sports Club and Agat — Electromechanical Plant, a crossed-out image appeared, which may indicate blocking or restricting access to the channels. The reason is that they came under US sanctions on December 2, 2021.
This was also reported in the VK group of the Minsk Ice Hockey Championship, which is held by the Presidential Sports Club. Earlier, Google has already blocked Youtube channels of legal entities that have fallen under US sanctions.
Message in a group of the Minsk Ice Hockey Championship and logos of YouTube channels / motolko.help
A little later, a notification appeared on the championship website that now the matches will be broadcast on another Youtube channel «Sport for All», which apparently also belongs to the Presidential Sports Club. Thus, this may be an attempt to circumvent US sanctions.