Opinion. Belarusian pharmacist about disruptions in the supply of Belarusian medicines to pharmacies

8 mins

На русском языке: Мнение. Беларусский фармацевт о перебоях с поставками беларусских лекарств в аптеки
На беларускай мове: Меркаванне. Беларускі фармацэўт пра перабоі з пастаўкамі беларускіх лекаў у аптэкі

A Belarusian pharmacist told motolko.help about the current situation with the availability of medicines in Belarusian pharmacies. Which medicines are most often affected by supply failures, and why Belarusian medicines have been available in pharmacies with an expiration date until 2023 for about 6 months? We publish the opinion unchanged.

Belarusian pharmacies regularly receive letters from manufacturing plants about temporary suspension in the production and supply of various Belarusian medicines. The most frequent disruptions are seen with such medicines as:

  • Piracetam,
  • Parascophen,
  • Levothyroxine,
  • Meldonium in capsules,
  • Valerian extract 20 mg (yellow),
  • Valerian-belmed 200 mg (brown),
  • Furacilin,
  • Sodium chloride 9%,
  • Iodine,
  • Streptocide powder.

However, there are disruptions not only with Belarusian medicines, but also with imported ones. For example, there were problems with the supply of Euthyrox and L-Thyroxine. And people need to take these medicines every day, of course, people are angry at the pharmacy worker and the doctor for prescribing something that is not available and can’t be purchased. Some are angry at the «wild and unfriendly West that has imposed sanctions on us,» that is, they blame the consequence, not the cause of everything that is happening.

Many people don’t understand the complexity of the situation, and believe what they are told on TV, hoping that we will produce our own medicines, and that Russia will not leave us, we will bring medicines from there. But the question is: How can our country and Russia make, if medicine raw materials are all imported? There are already firms that have put cooperation on pause for now.  And we understand that this is just the beginning. And what will happen next? We can’t expect anything good, with the Ministry of Health again punishing the «guilty» pharmacy chains by checking pricing. With an acute shortage and lack of certain medicines, they check the mandatory list of medicines – it’s absurd.

And one more important point: Domestic medicines have an expiration date until +- 2023. We have been receiving Belarusian medicines from the inventories for a long time, not new ones. For example, in 2021 we received medicines with an expiration date until 2023, and in 2022 we also received medicines with an expiration date until 2023. Apparently, there are no new drugs or they don’t make them, because if there were, the expiration date would be at least until 2024-2025.

What will happen when the inventories of finished products and raw materials for production run out if the situation does not change? Nothing good can be expected.

If you can tell us how the sanctions and the current situation have affected your business, your company, please write to @motolko_bot.

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